Thursday, December 27, 2007

End of the Year Update

Well, Hell Week is behind us. I should say Hell Three Weeks. The rental just about did us in. We ended up running 12-15 hour days, I took a week off work and I called in a bunch of favors to finish it, but it's done. Almost! There are a couple of things that still need done, but we told the new tenants we would do it in January. We need a break to enjoy the season. Luckily they were understanding and happy to just get in before the month was up.

Hee hee, Darin got upset with me last week because I was stressing about the carpet cleaner coming in 15 mins and needing to get everything off the floor so she could do her thing. He was on the phone with his brother, whom he hadn't talked to in two weeks. He said, "I thought we we were going to practice Aloha now and not wait until we get to Hawaii." Shame on me. He is now up to 85% sure we are moving. Woo Hoo!

My brain got fried from coming up with the move-out report for the last tenant and so I spent some time learning how to make the lovely above video for you. There is a turkey cooking in the oven and that is pretty much all I can think of right now.

I am starting to study to take my state exam for real estate. Tended the hot tub so that I could get in tomorrow and spend a couple hours out there with my books. I hope to take it within two weeks.

Mele Kalikimaka to all. It's my last cold one! Here's something funny, as a little girl I learned to hula dance to the Mele Kalikimaka song and always thought it was Mele KaMIKImaka. I only learned this year that it was liki, not miki.

Happy New Years All!

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