Sunday, November 2, 2008

Quick catch up

So it has been a very long time since I have posted and I must say, a lot has happened. Let me just say, I'm typing this in Maui. Somewhere along the line we decided to move here for no real reason than we wanted to see it because it has a great reputation for being one of the most beautiful islands in the world.

Well gosh, where to start? I guess I will back up a little. This summer has been a whirl wind of busy. We finally got the house ready to sell. We first tried for sale by owner and Craig's list. Not a single bite. So I took out an ad in the paper. Nothing. Then I listed with the MLS (the same thing the realtors use) and still nothing. We lowered the price a bunch. It was rediculous. I really didn't want to come to Hawaii with a rental on the mainland, but I only got interest with people that wanted to rent it. We offered a lease/buy option and it was snagged up in two days. They love the house.

Then it was time to set up for a garage sale. Interestingly, Darin ended up having to work all week, very long days the week I set up. Hmmmm, that sucked!

Another interesting thing, my things were worth way more than his! I mean thousands. LOL. I consider it all "our" stuff, but you know, the boy stuff and the girl stuff.

We barely got out of the house on time. There is so much last minute stuff to do and so much crap to get rid of. I had a friends and family pre-sale. Then I had the sale. The second day it all went half off and then at the end of that day I had my friends come back over and take what was left for free. And I still had a boat load of crap left over that never got put out at the sale! I have promised myself that I will never aquire that much "stuff" again.

If I were to do it again, I would have the garage sale a month before leaving and then one last one just before leaving. Don't worry about not having enough stuff to sell. If you are anything like me, you will have plenty.

Before I end this post I would like to say that originally I wanted this to be a generic post for anyone to read. However, I am feeling the need to journal my experiences more and for me that means that I have to share more about my faith because that plays a huge part in my life.

Anyway. I think that is all I will post right now. More on the trip over later!


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