Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Beginning of a Dream

Posted by SharleƩ

Well, I got our tickets to head over to the Big Island for two weeks in March to look at property and such. This is a very exciting step in the direction of making this dream come true.

Darin and I will be there a week before our daughter gets there. Hopefully we will have possible living sites to show her when she gets there. In the mean time, I spend all my time scouring websites on housing, real estate and other info on Hawaii. I also am reading, So You Want to Live in Hawaii and Affordable Paradise. My heart is singing!

Here is an interesting piece of news. Now that we are seriously considering moving to Hawaii, our other children want to move back home!

1 comment:

Katie and David said...

Aloha can contact me at for more info. We used Pasha to ship the RV over, and it was $7000. Depends on the size/weight of the RV of course. We'll be selling ours soon, but it's been a great way to do things. In terms of timeline for building, we are totally amazed at how fast our builder has accomplished the job. He's awesome! We started last Jan/Feb with beginning plans, but I already had the land (bought 2 years ago). Do you know Or are you just on Both are wonderful resources. Have you visited the BI before? It's huge, and there are lots of choices, esp. if you have lots of money. I chose Puna because it's inexpensive, and rural and lush and a bit strange...have you read "Potluck: Stories that Taste Like Hawaii"??? Ask more questions via email...I may not be able to respond right away, but I will get back to you. Best of luck with accomplishing your dream! It CAN happen! Katie and David,