Saturday, November 24, 2007

Update on our Hawaii move

It's been a while since the last post. Remember that illness Mel had in Italy? Well she brought it back with her and shared. She laid me up for four days! It was aweful!

Well, we made it through the holiday without too much hassle from either in-laws or friends about our move. All the brothers and sisters-in-law were very excited for us and congratulatory. My mom and dad-in-law were just quiet. My mom-in-law calls every other day or so to tell us how expensive it is over there and how they hate white people and will chase us back to the mainland. I know she just doesn't want us to leave and so I just bite my tongue and don't say anything. The next night we had all our friends over for another Thanksgiving meal and went beyond the little mentions here and there of our leaving and really shared our hearts about why we are doing this. My best friend (whom I avoid discussing it with at all costs) cried and yet was supportive. She is a good friend who wants the best for me.

On the a progress note, I got my fingerprints done for my real estate license last week and sent them in. Then Friday I got my eligibility letter for taking my test, so I can test any time. I will set it up for right after I take my class test. I am so excited. I dread getting my house ready for sale though. I am going to have to really depend on my daughters for help. The garage and the attic are scary.

I will do a bunch of touch-up painting as well and then in January we will start on the bathroom remodel. I am thinking about doing a walk-in shower instead of a tub since we have a hot tub if you want to soak. We had originally planned a huge remodel with knocking out walls and everything. We are just going to do a mini one now. I will post some before and after pics for you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry you got the sickies! That was very nice of Mel to share though. You raised her right!

Call your mommy...she had a bad fall and isn't doing the best. No broken bones praise the Lord, but is very sore and mentally done in. It really scared her. Give her a call!

Love you!