Thursday, November 15, 2007


My daughter is coming back from Italy today. She is 17. Well, her plane got into Chicago late and so she missed her connecting flight home by 3 minutes. She cried. :( I am pretty frustrated. Airports are like herding cattle these days. No one is there to assist you, they are just shuttling you through for your shot in the hindster. She was able to get on another flight 2.5 hours later only it is not going to be even one hour later. Why couldn't have her last flight been a bit late? Grrrr. I just feel for her.

On to the next subject I want to bitch about...I would like to send our travel trailer over to Hawaii and live in it while we build. I would also like to fill it with our stuff. No can do! The department of homeland security has said you can't do that anymore lest you pack a bomb in there or something. Like that is going to stop the people that want to pack a bomb. Who would pack one in a travel trailer anyway? Your car has to be empty when you send it over as well. It is so frustrating because there is supposed to be a fight going on for our freedom and the freedom of others and yet I don't have the freedom to even leave Oregon because it costs so much. To be stuck is not to be free.

Next bitch subject: RBGs. That stands for the "Really Big Guys" Long story, but they are the ones that compete with the FED (federal reserve) in managing the flow of money in our economy. While the FED is trying to control growth and inflation, the RBGs are making TONS of money off of our panic. I just learned this in real estate class this week. Not a fan of the RBGs!

Next bitch subject: World Economy collapse: where do you want to live when it happens? I personally absolutely hate subjects such as this. I get depressed and feel like, what's the point of even continuing to live? But I like living and so I avoid these subjects to the best of my ability. So, as I am bitching to Darin about airports and rude, unhelpful people, I asked him, "Do you think God is bringing all this dissatisfaction into my life to get me off of my "comfortable spot?" You know, get me out of here?" That sounds like a simple "yes" or "no" question to me, but apparently not. Darin has to bring up the inevitable world economy collapse and where do we want to live when it happens. I am thinking, are we talking about Hawaii or some place else, cuz I want to go to Hawaii. He says he is going to have to give that some serious thought. Ugh!

This morning in the shower I gave George W. a stern talking to in my head. He was pretty unresponsive, but I envisioned him at least pulling some strings so that I could get my trailer over to Hawaii.

Nothing on the Hawaii front today. Last night I fell in love with a house though. It is the first house that is in our price range that I would actually like to own. I am not sure about the subdivision though. I would have to look. But we still will probably build cuz that's my dream. I copied all the pics to my hard drive so I can steal ideas if I need to. It's a stunning place though.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Mel! Nothing worse then being sick and in an airport without the mama!

Don't you love all the strings you have to jump through?

Love ya!